Thursday, January 29, 2009
Family Life / Outside Reading
Students have been assigned an outside reading project during this time.
It is due February 9 and is a major grade.
Instructions can be found here:
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Day 10, January 14
- Turn in journal. If not, it is due Friday, no later.
- Handout was given with the following instructions:
(A) Essay Prewriting: Brainstorm and Outline Prewrite for a 5-paragraph essay in which you analyze guy montag’s character.
1st: brainstorm. Make a list, web, etc. 2 steps include:
1. Guy Montag’s character traits. Identify traits and give examples of these.
2. What characteristics of literature might you write about?
2nd: organize by outline. Organize your thoughts into the order you will present them in an essay.
Basic Outline (write a sentence for the underlined parts)
I. Introduction: hook, summary, 3-point thesis statement (3 character traits)
II. Topic #1 (this is the first point (trait) in your thesis)
A. 1ST detail that supports your topic.
B. 2nd detail
C. 3rd detail
III.Topic #2 (2nd point in thesis)
IV. Topic #3 (3rd point in thesis)
V. Conclusion: restated thesis statement, closing thoughts
(B) Dystopia Characteristics (read, answer #1-12 on separate handout)
(C) “Afterword” and “Coda”
Read the Afterword (page 167). Summarize in 2 sentences. What 2 things is the afterword basically about?
In Bradbury’s play he wrote after writing Fahrenheit 451, Beatty says “I do play with ironies.” Why is it ironic for a fireman to own books?
Which type of irony is this an example of?
•Verbal irony: saying one thing but really meaning the opposite.
•Situational irony: what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate
•Dramatic irony: the audience or reader knows something important that a character doesn’t know.
Read the Coda. Summarize in 3 sentences. What is it basically about?
How does Bradbury feel about Fahrenheit 451?
How does he feel about censorship? Give evidence to support your answer.
How are works being censored? How does this negatively affect you as a student?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Day 9, January 12
Finish the book: page 136-165
•Copy these questions to answer:
–Why do the police catch the man and claim that he is Montag?
–Who is Granger?
–How is the fire in the woods different?
–Why does Granger tell the story of his grandfather?
–What the purpose of Montag recalling the farm?
•Quiz on Wednesday.
Essay Extra Credit options handed out:
•If you failed, you must write a new essay. If you did not turn in an essay, you can write this new essay for 75%.
•Read instructions carefully! You can’t complete any option. If you made certain errors, you are subject to certain options.
•If your prewriting was attached to your essay but wasn’t labeled, write a note on a post-it, attach it to your rubric, and attach another post-it to the prewriting (affix this note so that I can see it sticking out). Label the prewriting. Turn this in with any other extra credit options on Friday (or earlier).
HOMEWORK: Vocabulary 4
•Choose an activity of your choice to complete for remaining 7 words (other than pedants and obscure)
•Due Wednesday
Friday, January 9, 2009
Day 8, January 8
Quiz #2 was passed back.
Quiz #3 was taken.
Vocabulary #4 assignment: choose an activity to complete for each word. Due Wednesday, January 14.
We read "Burning Bright" (the 3rd part of Fahrenheit 451) pages 113-136. We will finish the book on Monday.
Anthem essays were returned. If students failed, they will be able to write a new essay. Opportunities to make up points missed for using first or second person point of view will be assigned next week. If I didn't see your prewriting or thought it was a draft, see me next week to get your grade corrected. Other issue with essay grades need to be addressed AFTER school.
About Me
- Mrs. Woodliff
- Welcome to Mrs. Woodliff's blog. The primary purpose of this site is to provide daily class updates and information to students, parents, teachers, and others who are interested. Students, if you are absent or need a reminder of what went on in class, please check here first! Please do not rely on this site for communicating with me. If you have questions or concerns, e-mail or call me!