A Word About Late Work

As of February 9, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 9, January 12

Journal: Journals will be turned in Wednesday. I will not accept them late. Make sure the following are complete: Jan 6, Dec 17, Dec 15, Dec 5, Dec 3, Nov 19 and 17

Finish the book: page 136-165
•Copy these questions to answer:
–Why do the police catch the man and claim that he is Montag?
–Who is Granger?
–How is the fire in the woods different?
–Why does Granger tell the story of his grandfather?
–What the purpose of Montag recalling the farm?
•Quiz on Wednesday.

Essay Extra Credit options handed out:
•If you failed, you must write a new essay. If you did not turn in an essay, you can write this new essay for 75%.
•Read instructions carefully! You can’t complete any option. If you made certain errors, you are subject to certain options.
•If your prewriting was attached to your essay but wasn’t labeled, write a note on a post-it, attach it to your rubric, and attach another post-it to the prewriting (affix this note so that I can see it sticking out). Label the prewriting. Turn this in with any other extra credit options on Friday (or earlier).

HOMEWORK: Vocabulary 4
•Choose an activity of your choice to complete for remaining 7 words (other than pedants and obscure)
•Due Wednesday

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