A Word About Late Work

As of February 9, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feb 20: Plague, "Tale of the Falcon," Wife of Bath Vocabulary

  1. Journal: "Box of Chocolates"If life is like a box of chocolates, what parts of your life are the chocolate covered…
    Strawberry filling
    Chocolate filling
    Peanut butter
    Explain your answers.
  2. Turn in Packet pages 8 & 9
  3. "Chevrefoil" Quiz
  4. When you finish, take a graphic organizer and fill out the first 2 columns. Your topic is "The Black Plague."
  5. "Cats, People, and the Black Plague" (ARTICLE HANDOUT 2)
    As we read, highlight words you aren’t familiar with. Can you use context clues to determine their meanings?
    Scan the article. Write one thing in column 3 after scanning.
    Read the article.
    Now, fill in column 3 with as much information as you can remember (without looking at the article.) Do NOT look on anyone else’s paper. This will not help you in the long run.
  6. Connect: Fill in Column 4
    Does the information in the article remind you of anything? Ideas you have? Things you have read/seen/heard?
  7. Use: Fill in Column 5 with how you might be able to use this information.
  8. This graphic organizer was due today. It is classwork.
  9. "The Tale of the Falcon" from the Decameron p. 813
    Using your book, read about the author, Giovanni Boccaccio. Then create questions that begin…
    Write these questions on the back of one of your pages; then answer the questions
  10. The Decameron (write these notes on page 10)
    Frame story: a story that binds (holds together) several/many other stories.
    A "bigger" story is created. It is a "frame."
    This bigger story is used to "house" other stories.
    Decameron’s frame:
    Setting: Italy during the Black Plague
    Frame: 10 people go to the country to get away from the plague (This is the "bigger story")
    When they are in the country, they tell 10 stories a day for 10 days.
    How many stories are in the Decameron?
    Situational irony – What actually happens in a story is the opposite of what is expected
  11. "The Tale of the Falcon" turn to page 815
    Begin reading.
    On packet, page 10, summarize/make notes about the plot and characters as you read.
    Answer questions page 820:
    First Thoughts, Identifying Facts 1-3, Interpreting Meanings 1-3
    The Wife of Bath’s TaleVocabulary: HANDOUT 3 (see assignment below)
    **Answer the following questions found on page 820: First Thoughts, Identifying Facts 1-3, Interpreting Meanings 1-3
    **Wife of Bath: VOCABULARY

Wife of Bath Vocab Assignment

(A) Use a dictionary (or your textbook's glossary) to define the following words.
purge – v. – definition:
petition – n. – definition:
statute – n. – definition:
concede – v. – definition:
extort – v. – definition:
subtle – adj. – definition:
sovereignty – n. – definition:
disperse – v. – definition:
temporal – adj. – definition:
lineage – n. – definition:

(B) Now, for 5 words, find a logical relationship with two others. (For example: Putrefy means to rot or decay; acrid means sharp or biting to the taste or smell; rank means highly offensive and disgusting. These 3 words all have something to do with _________________________ [fill in the blank with your own explanation].) Explain the connection you have found. (Your logical relationship should have nothing to do with the word’s part of speech or spelling. It should focus on the definition, the meaning. Be creative. Think outside the box!






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