A Word About Late Work

As of February 9, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 2: Anthem

1) Journal: “Loss of Technology” Write a letter to Equality explaining how the technology that existed during the Unmentionable Times was lost. Turn journals in when you finish. 100 word minimum. (There is no right or wrong answer to this. This is creative writing - your own ideas. The reason is not given in the book.)

2) Students had 10 minutes to share and discuss Chapter 1-5 questions.

3) Chapter 1-5 quiz

4) Chapter 1-5 Vocabulary Practice: For each of the 6 vocabulary words, write a sentence about any of the following. Students had about 10 minutes to work on this. Anything not complete in class is homework.
–The Great Truth
–The Unmentionable Times
–The Uncharted Forest
–The Evil Ones
–The Great Rebirth

5) Character sketches and metaphors for Equality and Liberty. In groups, students...

•Write everything your group knows about Equality. Give at least 2 quotes for support.
•If Equality were an animal, which animal would he be? Why?
•If Equality were a color, which color would he be? Why?

•Write everything your group knows about Liberty. Give at least 2 quotes for support.
•If Liberty were an animal, which animal would she be? Why?
•If Liberty were a color, which color would she be? Why?
We will continue to add to this after finishing each section of the book.

6) Chapters 6-9 Vocabulary:

•7. illustrious adj. notably outstanding, famous
•8. infamy n. reputation of the worst kind
•9. boon n. blessing; benefit
•10. whim n. a sudden, impulsive action
•11. torrent n. a rushing, violent, or abundant and unceasing stream of anything
•12. ecstasy n. extreme happiness
•13. solitude n. state of being alone; seclusion

7) Continue Reading. We read Chapter 6 and part of chapter 7 in class. Students should read through Chapter 9 (page 87) for class Monday.

•Finish Chapter 1-5 Vocabulary
•Read Chapters 6-9
•Prepare for a quiz over Chapters 6-9 and 1-5 vocabulary

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