A Word About Late Work

As of February 9, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 3: Anthem

  1. Turn in vocabulary homework
  2. Journal
  3. Chapters 6-9 Quiz
  4. Chapters 10-12 Vocabulary pre-test and definitions
  5. Chapters 10-12 study/discussion questions
  6. Add to character sketches for Equality and Liberty
  7. Important dates & Homework

2) Journal: “Desire” Write about something in your life you would like to do but are prevented by someone or something from doing. 50 word minimum.

3) Chapters 10-12 Vocabulary Pretest - highlight words you missed. Complete vocabulary activity for these words.

Fill in the blanks/copy the definition (handout)

summit (89) – apex; highest point
reverence (93) a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration
warrant (94) – authorization, justification, sanction
edict (94) - authoritative proclamation or command
covet (96) – to want or to desire wrongfully
depraved (97) corrupt, wicked
creed (97) system of belief
plunder (97) rob by open force, pillage
deliverance (98) delivering or freeing from restraint; rescuing
brute (100) savage, cruel
yoke (101) a device for joining together a pair of draft animals, esp. oxen; a symbol for slavery
threshold (102) any place or point of entering or beginning
savage (102) fierce, ferocious, or cruel; untamed

•November 19
–Quiz Chapter 10-12
–Test Review
–Essay Assigned
•November 21: Anthem Test
•November 25: Rough Draft due.
•December 1: Computer lab to type revisions and final draft.
•December 3: final draft due beginning of class.


•Vocabulary activities:
–Chapters 6-9 due WEDNESDAY
–Chapters 10-12 due FRIDAY with the test
•Finish the book
•Answer all study/discussion questions. These will be due with the test on Friday!

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