A Word About Late Work

As of February 9, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Monday, December 15, 2008

15 December: F451 Day 5

  1. Journal: "Guy and Clarisse"
    Make a list of adjectives that describe Guy and Clarisse.
    Look at the adjectives. Do you know anyone who is like these 2 characters? If so, explain how they are alike. If not, which of the 2 characters would you prefer as a friend. Explain.
    7 minutes
  2. Quiz: Reading #1.
  3. Vocabulary Reading Assignment #2: When you finish the quiz, use a dictionary to fill in the blanks to vocabulary words for reading assignment #2 (definitions will not be word-for-word).
    Make a cinquain, acrostic, or graphic organizer for 3 of these words.
    Remember: words used to make an acrostic must relate to the vocabulary word itself!
    This is homework if not finished in class.
    Fill in the blanks for Vocab #2
    A. Established
    B. Tendencies
    C. Dislike
    D. Hungry; greedy
    E. Humiliating
    F. Pronouncement
    G. Burn
    H. Touch
  4. Summary:
    View the following scene from the first page of Fahrenheit 451
    On your storyboard, draw what happens after this. Write a few words on the lines explaining what is happening. Work for 7 minutes; put unfinished storyboard in your binder.
  5. "Get into My Head" 2 new characters
    Add what you know about Mildred’s thoughts and feelings.
    Start to add Captain Beatty’s thoughts and feelings after today’s reading.
  6. Look over reading assignment #2 study questions:
    1. Who was Captain Beatty?
    2. How did the firemen know which houses had books?
    3. What lie did Captain Beatty tell Montag?
    4. What did Montag do in the old lady's attic?
    5. Why were the alarms to burn always at night?
    6. Why did the old woman light the match and commit suicide?
    7. What happened to Clarisse? Was it an accident?
    8. What was Montag afraid Captain Beatty would discover when he came to visit?
    9. Why did Captain Beatty believe books should be destroyed?
    10. What did Montag show Mildred after the captain had left the house?
  7. Continue reading We read to the break in page 48.

HOMEWORK: Make a cinquain, acrostic, or graphic organizer for 3 vocabulary words from Reading Assignment #2 vocabulary. Finish your propaganda ad project.

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