1.Continued making note cards. These should be finished before next class.
After note cards are complete, they should
2.Sort note cards according to topic in left hand corner.
3.Draft body paragraphs using these note cards. Each stack will be a separate paragraph.
4.After each quote, number, or information that is NOT common knowledge, put the source number in parentheses.
Students who finished #1 & 2 above started drafting their body paragraphs on the computer.
Examples of how to use note cards and source number when drafting your paper. Below are 2 sample note cards with sentences made using each note card. If the information on the card isn't common knowledge, is a quote, or is a piece of numerical information, you MUST cite your source. In the rough draft, you put the source number in parentheses! When you edit, you will replace the source number with the proper information (author's last name) or ("Article/Webpage Title") if there is no author.

•Finish your note cards. No note cards = grade of 0.
•Bring note cards and all handouts/sources to class on Tuesday.
•The rough draft should be finished before spring break. This relieves you of having to do it over spring break.
Annotated Bibliographies were handed back. The following correction assignment was given (add Thursday, April 2 to those dates Mrs. Woodliff is available)

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