A Word About Late Work

As of February 9, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

1 April: Research Day 9, Drafting the Paper

  1. Students should be finished with their note cards (these were to be finished BEFORE coming to class).
  2. Next, they organized the note cards into stacks according to topic. Each stack will make up much of one body paragraph. (3 stacks = 3 body paragraphs; 5 stacks = 5 body paragraphs). There should be no more than 5 body paragraphs. Information on "stray" cards may be used in the introduction or conclusion, or it might not be used at all.
  3. After sorting note cards, students were to open the "Drafting the Paper" PowerPoint found on the y-drive. They should follow the instructions on the PowerPoint. First: view the entire slideshow. This gives them an idea of what they will be doing/how they will be writing the rough draft.
  4. After viewing the PowerPoint, they should start writing their body paragraphs. After the first body paragraph was written, students were to get it checked. There should be parenthetical citations in these paragraphs.
  5. After getting the first body paragraph checked, they should continue drafting the body, then the conclusion and introduction.
  6. Students will be using this PowerPoint until the finish the rough draft.
  7. The rough draft should be finished before spring break!

This PowerPoint will be followed on Friday's class, as well. Friday, students will have the opportunity to sit down with Mrs. Woodliff and see what revisions need to be made to their paper.

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